Capital: 2.300.000 Euros

Head office: Boulevard de la Boissonnette, 42110 Feurs

Country: France

RCS Saint-Etienne, SIRET number: 388420556 00010

Intra-comm VAT = FR01388420556

APE code = 4669B

Phone: +33 (0) 4 77 27 40 63

Publication director: Jérôme Casalta


Hosted by:


SAS au capital de 10 174 560 €

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

Code APE 2620Z

VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419

Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann – F-59100 Roubaix – France

Developed by:

Company’s name : My Alfred SAS

Capital: 44 500 Euros

Head Office: 5 Rue Jacques Monod, F-76130 MONT SAINT AIGNAN, France.

RCS Rouen, SIREN number: 850148867

Intra-comm VAT = FR5850148867

Code APE = 6312Z

Phone +33 (0) 6 44 24 57 67


This website is made available by the Feurst Company (affiliated company of Safe Group) and is accessible to all.

These general terms and conditions of use define the legal and contractual framework governing the relationship between Feurst and the users of this website. All use of the website implies the prior acceptance of these general terms and conditions of use and of the rules of good conduct included therein.

By using the website, the user is considered to have agreed to these general terms and conditions of use.

For any order placed online, the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of FEURST will be applicable to the purchase you make and will prevail over the Conditions in case of contradictory provisions.

The website’s publisher will remove from the website any manifestly illegal content transmitted by third parties and will not assume any responsibility in relation to this content, , including but not limited to cases of infringement, defamation, pornography, incitement to racial hatred and pedophilia.

Feurst reserves the right to change, at any time, the terms, conditions and notices of these general terms and conditions.

The user is therefore advised to regularly consult the latest version of the general terms and conditions of use, available at all times on the website.


All the information found on this website (the documents contained on the website as well as all the elements created for the website, including text, images, pictures, logos, reprographics, etc.) are the property of Feurst or Safe Group and are subject to copyright laws as soon as they are made available to the public on this Web server.

The Feurst name and logo are registered trademarks of Safe Metal, an affiliated company of Safe Group. Any reproduction, use and/or modifications made without the prior written consent of Safe Metal constitutes an infringement. The presentation and content of this website represent a digital work and are protected by intellectual property laws in force.

 No reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, may be made without the prior written consent of Feurst.

The technical drawings, drawings, graphics, photographs, images, text, animated sequences with or without sound, ergonomics and all the information presented on this website are subject to intellectual property rights.

Consequently, the copy and use of the said plans, technical drawings, drawings, graphics, photographs, images, text, animated sequences with or without sound, ergonomics, documentation or information made available through this website are permitted only under the following conditions:

 – The copies downloaded and/or printed must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the originals;

– These copies may under no circumstances be changed or altered;

– The graphics must not be used, copied or distributed separately from the accompanying text;

– The graphics and text are intended strictly for personal information purposes.

As a result, their reproduction, exhibition, publication, broadcast or use for public or commercial purposes is prohibited. In no event does the provision of such information by downloading or printing confer any right of ownership to the user.

Failure to comply with the above provisions is likely to constitute an infringement for which the offender may be held civilly or criminally liable.


The parties acknowledge that the Internet is an open network, constituted by the international interconnection of computer networks.. These networks may have unequal transmission capacities and their own use policies.

No one can guarantee the proper functioning of the Internet as a whole.

Access to the website is available 24/7, except in cases of force majeure or during website maintenance operations.

Feurst does not guarantee that the website it makes available to Internet users will operate without interruption or error or in a secure and timely manner, or that it will be fully compatible with the systems, hardware or software of every user.

Feurst cannot be held responsible for website access delays caused by failures or malfunctions of the Internet network.

Feurst cannot be held responsible for any damage caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of connecting to the website. Each user uses the services offered by the website at their own risk and is responsible for the full cost of maintenance, repair and modifications to their own hardware or software.

In addition, Feurst does not guarantee a period of service. The Company reserves the right, at any time, to change or temporarily discontinue the service without such changes or interruptions giving rise to compensation.

Feurst cannot guarantee that the information on this Site, including information about products and services, is in accordance with the laws of each country. You access this Site on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws of your country.


To facilitate navigation on the website and to offer optimal use conditions, Feurst installs authentication cookies in your computer which record information relating to your authentication data in your connection terminal.. You can refuse such cookies by following the procedure proposed by your browser.


This website contains hypertext links giving access to websites that are not edited by the owner of this website. Therefore, the publication editor cannot be held responsible for the content of the sites to which the Internet user would have access..

With the exception of sites publishing information and/or content of an illegal and/or political, religious, pornographic or xenophobic nature, the creation of a hyperlink to our website is permitted.

In any case, the setting up of a hypertext link does not authorize in any way the reproduction of elements of the site or the presentation on third party sites of elements of this site.

The creation of a hypertext link to this website is permitted only in cases where it sends the user to the homepage of the website.

Feurst reserves the right to demand that a link be removed immediately if it is deemed to compromise its interests.


The Feurst website is edited by a French company headquartered in France, and its general terms and conditions of use are governed by French law and must be construed in accordance with French laws. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably will be referred to the French courts.


We thank you for entrusting us with personal data via our website and thus joining our database.We process all these data sent to us according to the highest professional and ethical standards.

We have implemented procedures to comply with legal and regulatory requirements for the protection of personal data and we keep your personal data secure to ensure its integrity and confidentiality

Therefore, we thank you for taking note of the following  provisions and accept them unconditionally.

Protection of your personal data

Content of the data entrusted to us

The information you choose to entrust us through this website have to remain confidential and are exclusively intended for internal use in the Feurst Company or in different companies of the Safe Group.

In particular, the purpose of data processing is to:

-To provide the service or contract to which you have subscribed

-To process your order

-To answer and process your requests or complaints

 To use our solutions in an optimal way

-To communicate with you

-Measure your satisfaction 

The data collected can be the following:

-Connection identifiers: e-mail address, PIN code, MAC code

-Identity: last name, first name, postal address, telephone number

-Data necessary for the creation of the account*: email address, pseudonym and first name

-Data related to purchases, equipment in place or planned

* Mandatory

We recommend that, when transmitting your personal data, you refrain from making any mention of personal information that is not directly related to your skills, and more specifically that you refrain from providing any details regarding your origins, your marital status, your health, your lifestyle, your sexual orientation, your political opinions, your physical appearance (photograph), your trade union activities, your belonging or not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation or a race, or your religious beliefs.

Updating your data

To optimize the collection of your data, please inform us in writing of any changes concerning your address, your contact details or more generally your situation. By withholding certain information, you may prevent your data from being processed in optimal conditions.

Your rights to access, discover, rectify, update and delete your personal data

In accordance with Articles 38 et seq. of the French Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you are entitled, at any time, to access, discover, rectify, update and delete your personal data. To exercise any one of these rights, you can either send an e-mail to or write to : Feurst, service communication, Boulevard de la boissonnette, 42110 Feurs.

Your data will be deleted from the Feurst database on request from you or without your response to our solicitations for 3 weeks

Disclosure and transfer of your personal data

You are informed that, when processing your data, Feurst may transfer all or part of your personal data to other companies in the Safe Group, whether or not they are established in France. Therefore, the information that you send to Feurst or to a subsidiary of the Safe Group may be processed or examined:

in any European Union country;

in any “equivalent” country within the meaning of Article 25 of Directive 95/46 and of Article 68 of the French Act of January 6, 1978;

in any country in which Feurst or The Safe Group is satisfied that the personal data you entrust us is given adequate protection in terms of security and privacy.

Provision of genuine information

By submitting your personal data through our website, you agree to provide true and genuine information.

You expressly acknowledge that any untrue information or misrepresentation engage your responsibility, and you therefore agree to indemnify us against all financial consequences— including legal defense fees—arising directly or indirectly from any claim or action brought against us due, in whole or in part, to a failure to provide us with true and genuine information.

The username and password that you choose or receive in order to access certain services provided via the website are confidential and must be neither disclosed nor shared with third parties, nor used for unauthorized purposes. You are responsible for ensuring that your username and your password remain confidential, and for all the activities that occur under your username and password.

You acknowledge that joint use of your password and your username implies your authorization to connect to the website.

You acknowledge that you will be accountable for all actions recorded under your username and password. You therefore acknowledge that you must implement the appropriate security measures to ensure that the username and password that you are assigned are disclosed only to authorized persons.

You agree to immediately notify Feurst of any unauthorized use of your account and/or password.

Feurst reserves the right to neutralize private access codes in case of non-conforming use.

Feurst may at any time suspend or terminate Your right to access the Site and more particularly Your account, by blocking access data without providing reasons, in particular if You:

-have provided false information during Your registration;

-have not complied with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or your duty of care with respect to the processing of access data

-have breached the provisions of these Terms and applicable law in relation to access to or use of the Site, without prejudice to any other rights Feurst reserves to exercise

-Have been inactive on the Site for a period of at least 24 months.

Head Office

1 Boulevard de la Boissonnette

F-42110 Feurs – France

+33 4 77 27 40 63

Our mission

To be the technical and innovative leader in ground attack tools by mobilizing our teams around our metallurgical expertise and our knowledge of the user’s technical and production issues.